quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008


Será que você realmente sabe o conceito de felicidade? Claro que sim!

Mas, e na prática, você já parou para pensar, por exemplo em

quantos minutos ou horas você é feliz por 24 horas? Reflita e depois responda, após

ler este texto.

The Happiest people in the world.

To try to answer these questions, the World Database of Happiness

carried out scientific research on how people appreciate life.The research involved over 1500 people in 68 countries.

Accordingnto the research, hapiness is one of the highest valued items for humans. Most of people agree that it is better to enjoy life than to suffer; they also endorse public policies that create greater happiness for a greater number of people.

However, we have to understand what hapiness is.And more important than, we have to know not only what makes people happy, but also the reason why.

Probably, conditions for happiness hava not been the same at all times and at all places.
( World Database of Happiness; Happiness in Nations, Rank Report 2002).

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